Dr. Rebeca Cobos from the University of León participated in the 5th European Sustainable Phosphorus Conference (ESPC5).

Le Dr Rebeca Cobos de l'Université de León a participé à la 5ème Conférence européenne sur le phosphore durable (ESPC5).

The European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform, in collaboration with the BETA Technological Center, organized the ESPC5, which took place in Lleida, Spain, from October 8th to 10th, 2024. This conference explored the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the Mediterranean region.The research team from the University of León presented the results of the SUSTEMICROP project through a poster titled: “Enhanced Phosphate…

Dra. Laura Cabeza, Dr. Daniel Alonso, and Dra. Beatriz Jiménez, researchers of GIDE team at University of León, participated teaching several sessions about the SUSTEMICROP project (PRIMA 2021) during the European Researchers´ Night 2024 event in León.

Les membres de l'équipe de recherche de l'Université de León du projet SUSTEMICROP (PRIMA 2021), le Dr Daniel Alonso, la Dr Laura Cabeza et la Dr Beatriz Jiménez, ont réalisé une séance de travail intitulée

The European Researchers´ Night (https://culturacientifica.unileon.es/noche-europea-de-los-investigadores/) is an annual event promoted by the European Commission that aims to bring science closer to citizens to stimulate interest in scientific, technical, social and economics careers, and to reach out across geographical borders to other parts of Europe and the world. In this event, various activities (workshops, talks, conferences, etc.) are offered by researchers…

León participated in the XXI Congress of the Spanish Society of Plant Pathology (SEF), held in Córdoba (Spain) from September 16th to 19th.

León participated in the XXI Congress of the Spanish Society of Plant Pathology (SEF), held in Córdoba (Spain) from September 16th to 19th.

The researchers, part of the SUSTEMICROP project, presented some of their results through two posters entitled: “Biocontrol of fungal diseases in hops: Efficacy of Streptomyces sp. strains against Fusarium and Verticillium wilts” and “Antifungal effect of albocycline produced by Streptomyces sp. OR6 against Verticillium dahliae”. The congress brought together renowned national and international plant pathologists and covered fundamental topics in…

PRIMA “SUSTEMICROP Project” Meeting: Advancing Resilient Mediterranean Agriculture!

Réunion PRIMA « Projet SUSTEMICROP » : Pour une agriculture méditerranéenne résiliente !

Our partners from INRGREF led by Dr. Hamia Lanroumi have recently hosted a SUSTEMICROP Project meeting focused on the development of eco-sustainable systemic technologies for key Mediterranean crop systems, aimed at enhancing the socio-economic resilience of small-scale farms. This event (developed on September 2 and 3, 2024 in Tunisia) brought together partners, experts, researchers, and farmers to discuss critical innovations…



Dr. Barakate's group has presented papers at various conferences including – Oral Presentation: Aliou Moussa Diouf, Abdou Lahat Mbay, Maimouna Deh, Zineb Rchiad and Mustapha Barakate. “Development of Bacterial Biocontrol Agents against fungal Diseases” . The Fifth Edition of the International Congress: “MICROBIAL BIOTECHNOLOGIES FOR DEVELOPMENT” November 02-03, 2023, Laayoune Morocco – Oral Presentation: Aliou Moussa Diouf, Abdou Lahat Mbay,…

The researchers from the University of León (Spain) Dr. Laura Cabeza and Dr. Daniel Alonso have participated in the XXXIII Congress of ACEDE (Congress of the Scientific Association of Economics and Business Management) at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, on the 16th -June 18, 2024

The researchers from the University of León (Spain) Dr. Laura Cabeza and Dr. Daniel Alonso have participated in the XXXIII Congress of ACEDE (Congress of the Scientific Association of Economics and Business Management) at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, on the 16th -June 18, 2024

Innovation, digitalization and sustainability in the face of new global challenges”. Within the discussion on how to reduce the problems related with the climate change, targeting Net Zero emissions is emerging as important strategies firms are paying more attention to reduce their environmental footprint. Beyond the focus on individual contribution for sustainability, research is highlighting the need to move collectively…

SUSTEMICROP Consortium has published a new scientific publication¡¡¡¡ The manuscript has been published in the Environmental and Sustainability Indicators (Elsevier Publishing) under the title “Theoretical framework to foster and asses sustainable agriculture practices: Drivers and key performance indicators

Le Consortium SUSTEMICROP a publié une nouvelle publication scientifique¡¡¡¡ Le manuscrit a été publié dans les Indicateurs environnementaux et de durabilité (Elsevier Publishing) sous le titre « Cadre théorique pour favoriser et évaluer les pratiques agricoles durables : moteurs et indicateurs de performance clés

Being sustainable in the agrifood sector is possible?With Beatriz Jiménez-Parra & Laura Cabeza García, we shed light on the sustainable practices that can be implemented in farms to achieve their goals under a triple bottom line (economic , social   and environmental ).In it, we delve into firm strategies and provide practical indicators to encourage agrifood agents to reconsider their sustainable practices and to…

The Slovenian Institute of Hop Research and Brewing (IHPS) has started the trials to evaluate the efficacy of a biofertilizer (BF) based hop compost enriched with biocontrol agents (BCAs) against Verticillium wilt in hop fields contaminated by Verticillium nonalfalfae.

L'Institut slovène de recherche et de brassage du houblon (IHPS) a lancé des essais pour évaluer l'efficacité d'un compost de houblon à base de biofertilisant (BF) enrichi en agents de biocontrôle (BCA) contre la flétrissure verticillienne dans les champs de houblon contaminés par Verticillium nonalfalfae.

These field trials are part of the SUSTEMICROP project (PRIMA 2021 Section 2) and are the result of the collaboration between IHPS (which has participated with the isolation of a BCA and the design and execution of the field trials), the University of León (ULE, Spain) which has collaborated in the isolation of 2 BCAs, and the Spanish company Agrogenia…
