We presented our revolutionary project, SUSTEMICROP Prima, at the International MESMPAM 2024 Congress on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants in Istanbul! A significant step in our mission for sustainable agriculture. PRIMA #SUSTEMICROP #MESMPAM2024 #SUSTEMICROPPrima #AgriculturalInnovation
Los investigadores de la Universidad de León (España) Dra. Laura Cabeza y Dr. Daniel Alonso han participado en el XXXIII Congreso de ACEDE (Congreso de la Asociación Científica de Economía y Gestión de Empresas) en la Universidad Politécnica de València, el día 16 - 18 de junio de 2024 bajo el lema
Innovation, digitalization and sustainability in the face of new global challenges”. Within the discussion on how to reduce the problems related with the climate change, targeting Net Zero emissions is emerging as important strategies firms are paying more attention to reduce their environmental footprint. Beyond the focus on individual contribution for sustainability, research is highlighting the need to move collectively…
El Consorcio SUSTEMCROP ha publicado una nueva publicación científica¡¡¡¡ El manuscrito ha sido publicado en Environmental and Sustainability Indicators (Elsevier Publishing) bajo el título “Theoretical framework to foster and assess Sustainable Agriculture Practices: Drivers and key performance Indicators”
Being sustainable in the agrifood sector is possible?With Beatriz Jiménez-Parra & Laura Cabeza García, we shed light on the sustainable practices that can be implemented in farms to achieve their goals under a triple bottom line (economic , social and environmental ).In it, we delve into firm strategies and provide practical indicators to encourage agrifood agents to reconsider their sustainable practices and to…
El Instituto Esloveno de Investigación y Elaboración de Cerveza del Lúpulo (IHPS) ha iniciado ensayos para evaluar la eficacia de un compost de lúpulo a base de biofertilizante (BF) enriquecido con agentes de biocontrol (BCA) contra la marchitez por Verticillium en campos de lúpulo contaminados por Verticillium nonalfalfae.
These field trials are part of the SUSTEMICROP project (PRIMA 2021 Section 2) and are the result of the collaboration between IHPS (which has participated with the isolation of a BCA and the design and execution of the field trials), the University of León (ULE, Spain) which has collaborated in the isolation of 2 BCAs, and the Spanish company Agrogenia…
Nuestro colega del Instituto Nacional de Investigación en Ingeniería del Agua, Forestal y Rural (INRGREF) de la Universidad de Cartago (Túnez)
Our colleague at National Research Institute of Water, Forest and Rural Engineering (INRGREF) from the University of Carthage (Tunisia) Dr. Lamia Hamroumi has organized an event of dissemination of the SUSTEMICROP project (PRIMA 2021) in the town of Ain Draham (Tunisia) (February, 27, 2024). We shared our research results with rural women so they may become more proficient at distilling…
Los miembros del equipo de investigación de la Universidad de León en el proyecto SUSTEMCROP (PRIMA 2021), el Dr. Daniel Alonso, la Dra. Laura Cabeza y la Dra. Beatriz Jiménez, han llevado a cabo una sesión de trabajo titulada
Dra. Laura Cabeza, Dr. Daniel Alonso, and Dra. Beatriz Jimenez, members of the research team at the University of León (Spain), participated in various presentations of the SUSTEMICROP project (PRIMA 2021) during the EXPOCIENCIA 2024 event. Expociencia Unileón (visit their website here: https://expociencia.unileon.es/ ) serves as a dissemination platform to promote research, innovation, and entrepreneurial vocation. It aims to showcase…
El Consorcio SUSTEMCROP ha publicado su primera publicación científica¡¡¡¡
SUSTEMICROP Consortium has published a new scientific publication¡¡¡¡ The manuscript hasbeen published in the Plants journal, #MDPIOpenAccess. The title of the manuscript is“Pseudomonas taetrolens ULE-PH5 and Pseudomonas sp. ULE-PH6 Isolated from the HopRhizosphere Increase Phosphate Assimilation by the Plant”. The manuscript describes theisolation and characterization of 2 bacterial strains from the rhizosphere of hop plants and howtheir application in the…
El Dr. Daniel Alonso como miembro del equipo de investigación de la Universidad de León en el proyecto SUSTEMICROP (PRIMA 2021), ha realizado una presentación del proyecto, bajo el paraguas del PRIMA Project Day.
Dr. Daniel Alonso as a member of the research team of the University of León in the SUSTEMICROP project (PRIMA 2021), attended the 3rd TRACY WORKSHOP “Achieving carbon neutrality: Sustainable Business Models, Social entrepreneurship and B Corps” (https://www.tracyproject.org/pagina-vuota).This session was held in Padova (Italy), the 27th of November of 2023, with researchers and entrepreneurs of different sectors such as agriculture…
In the context of disseminating the research outcomes of the PRIMA project,”SUSTEMICROP” INRGREF organized an insightful visit for students specializing in plant biotechnology from ISBBAT.
In the context of disseminating the research outcomes of the PRIMA project,”SUSTEMICROP” INRGREF organized an insightful visit for students specializing in plant biotechnology from ISBBAT. This excursion took them to the Agricultural Development Group (GDA) EL Baraka in Ain Drahem, where they had the opportunity to observe firsthand innovative agricultural practices. Additionally, the students explored pilot plots dedicated exclusively to…
El Dr. Daniel Alonso como miembro del equipo de investigación de la Universidad de León en el proyecto SUSTEMICROP (PRIMA 2021), ha realizado una presentación del proyecto, bajo el paraguas del PRIMA Project Day.
This session was held in Sitges, Barcelona (Spain), the 22nd of November of 2023, with the main representativeness of PRIMA and with all the representativeness of all the other projects financed by PRIMA. The main goal of the session was to present the SUSTEMICROP project and to highlight the usefulness of its expected results in helping farmers to improve the sustainability…